Research Interests
Current Research Projects
- Economics of Vaccines and Immunization Policies, Programs, and Practices for Adults: Priority-setting for adult vaccines. CDC, RFA#: SIP 14-028.
- Tobacco Use and Quitting behavior among college students, faculty, and staff.
- Tobacco Use and Quitting behavior among LGBT individuals.
- Behavioral aspects of e-cigarette use.
- Hospital efficiencies in Turkey.
Upcoming and Recent Presentations
* presenting author
- Vahé Heboyan and Vardges Hovhannisyan. "Elasticity of Demand for Cigarettes in the US: Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis". To be presented at the Annual AAEA Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, CA.
- Georgianna Laws, Vahé Heboyan, and Maryshka Connolly-Brown. "Creating an online course pack: Collaboration leads to creative solutions." 2015 Teaching and Learning Conference, June 28-July 1, 2015, Jekyll Island, GA.
- Vahé Heboyan and Andy Pope. "Perceived Weight Gain due to Quitting Smoking as a Correlate to Physical Activity, Smoking, and Quitting Behavior among Young College Adults". To be presented at the Annual APHA Meeting, Oct 31-Nov 4, Chicago, IL.
- Vahé Heboyan, Georgianna Laws, and Maryshka Connolly-Brown. "Faculty Member, an Instructional Designer, and a Librarian Walk into a Bar: Conversation over the Best Practices for Designing and Delivering Distance Learning Curricula." 2015 Teaching and Learning Conference, April 8, 2015, Athens, GA.
- Vahé Heboyan, Jessica Johnson, and Christine O'Meara. "Lessons Learned for Tobacco-free Campuses: Evidence from Georgia Regents University and University of South Carolina Systems." 2015 Southern College Health Association Annual Meeting, March 4-7, 2015, Charlotte, NC.
- Maryska Connolly‐Brown, Vahé Heboyan, and Georgianna Laws. "Creatively meeting the work-life-balance learning needs of distance learners through course packs". Conference on Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World, May 27-29, 2015, Savannah, GA
- Vahé Heboyan and Andy Pope. "How Weight Control Belief Impacts Smoking and Quitting Among Students: Evidence from South Carolina." Presented at the 2014 SEC Symposium on Obesity, Sept 21-23, 2014, Atlanta, GA.
- Vahé Heboyan. "Behavioral and Social Determinants of Support for Tobacco-Free Campus Policies among Students, Faculty and Staff: Evidence from South Carolina." Presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (AshEcon), June 22-25, 2014, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
- M. Said Yildiz, Vahé Heboyan*, and M. Mahmud Khan. "Determinants and Technical Efficiency of Turkish Hospitals: An Application of Stochastic Frontier Analysis." Presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (AshEcon), June 22-25, 2014, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
- Vahé Heboyan, Gina M. Besenyi, Andy Pope, and Theresa Oniffrey. "Rates and Correlates of Physical Activity among Underserved Minority Populations: Evidence from South Carolina’s LGBT Tobacco Users." Presented at the 2014 International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Conference, San Diego, CA, May 21-24, 2014.
Working papers
- Heboyan, Vahé. “Estimating the Impact of 2010 Cigarette Tax on Cigarette Consumption in South Carolina.”
- Heboyan, Vahé, Bergstrom, John C., Santos, Florence, Cordell, H. Ken. “Estimating the Effects of Natural Amenities on Future Rural Population Migration Patterns under Alternative Climate Change Scenarios.”
- Vahé Heboyan, Daniel Sarpong, and Wojciech J. Florkowski. “Vegetable, Fruit and Peanut Product Expenditure in Urban Households in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Ghana.”
- Wojciech J. Florkowski, Vahé Heboyan, and Daniel Sarpong. "Consumer attitudes and preferences for peanut product attributes in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Evidence from Ghana."
- Vahé Heboyan, Wojciech J. Florkowski, and Daniel Sarpong. “Consumer Attitudes and Preferences for Peanut Paste in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ghana.”
- Vahé Heboyan and Lewell F. Gunter. “Real Exchange Rate Determinants in Transition Economies: Do Investment Risk and Diaspora Play a Role?”
Work in Progress
- Estimation of Hospital Efficiency in Turkey (with M. Mahmud Khan and Mustafa Said).
- Vahé Heboyan, Andy Pope, Theresa Oniffrey, Louis Eubank, and Doug Outlaw. “Determinants of Preferences for Smoking Cessation Services: Case Study of the South Carolina’s LGBT Population.”
- Vahé Heboyan, Andy Pope, Theresa Oniffrey, Louis Eubank, and Doug Outlaw. “Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Smoking and Quitting Behavior among LGBT Population in South Carolina.”
- Vahé Heboyan, M. Mahmud Khan, and Meifang Chen. “Determinants of Patient Satisfaction at Public Sector Health Facilities in Bangladesh.”
- Economics of Time Allocation for Meal Preparation in the Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from Ghanaian Household Surveys (with Wojciech J. Florkowski).
Copyright © 2014 Vahé Heboyan, PhD